One of the best ways to save money on used outdoor gear is to purchase it online. Online marketplaces like eBay offer a great selection of used camping gear at the lowest prices. However, be sure to read reviews on individual sellers before making a purchase. Other online marketplaces to check include Craigslist, Gumtree, and Preloved.
The Arc’teryx used outdoor gear program aims to re-purpose quality outdoor equipment and apparel by buying and refurbishing used items. The company aims to reduce its environmental impact by reselling used gear in order to keep high-performance products in circulation. Its goal is to keep quality products out of landfills while helping outdoor enthusiasts to find new outdoor gear at an affordable price.
The company focuses on sustainable design, materials, and construction in their products. For example, the company’s preferred materials list bans the use of fluorocarbons and recognizes their negative impact on the environment. Moreover, the company has a Code of Conduct that pledges to adhere to the highest ethical standards, including respect for human rights and animal rights.

The company also offers a trade-in program for used gear, which allows customers to trade in their unwanted outdoor gear and get 20% off its retail price. You can either bring your used gear to the store to sell or mail it in.
Arc’teryx Co-op
Arc’teryx Co-oP is a new way for consumers to buy used outdoor gear. The company is focused on sustainability and the circular economy, and it wants to ensure that its gear doesn’t end up in landfills. The store accepts trade-ins both in person and by mail. Those who trade-in their used gear will receive gift cards to use in the store. However, some items cannot be resold, such as those made of gore-tex.
Arc’teryx makes some of the most durable outdoor gear available. Its Gore-Tex jackets, for example, are the best in their class. While these jackets can be expensive when new, they can be a great value when they are pre-owned. The company’s buy-back and resale program makes it possible for consumers to get high-quality gear at a cheaper price.
While the company’s used gear program is not the most comprehensive, it offers a good selection of used gear. The best deals are around 40 percent off the new equivalent. The used gear is often in good condition and is suitable for outdoor use.

The North Face Renewed
The North Face has an initiative called Renewed which aims to help the environment by re-selling used outdoor gear. The initiative sources damaged, returned or defective outdoor gear, repairs it and puts it online for sale. The result is incredible savings for the consumer. The company hopes that this initiative will change customer purchasing habits.
Its aim is to reduce the amount of used outdoor gear that ends up in landfills by 85 percent. To do so, the company partners with the Renewal Workshop, which rehabilitates and re-sells used outdoor gear. This refurbished gear has been cleaned, repaired and is sold at a lower price than new items.
The North Face has made a significant investment in its re-sale program and has already diverted nearly 200,000 pounds of textiles from landfills since the start of Renewed in 2018. Adding to the company’s environmental impact, it is also committed to reducing its carbon footprint by ensuring that all re-sold items meet its high standards.
Outdoors Geek
When you’re looking to get the most bang for your buck, consider buying used camping gear from Outdoors Geek. This company offers both new and gently used camping gear at affordable prices, and offers a money-back guarantee if you’re not happy with the purchase. They also offer expert advice and a wide variety of gear to choose from.

Outdoors Geek also rents used backpacking gear and has a clearance section with used gear priced up to 60 percent off MSRP. The gear is name-brand and is discounted from 40 to 60 percent of its original MSRP. Prices vary, so you should always check the condition before making a purchase. Because the used gear is advertised with a stock photo, flaws and damage are often not evident until you get it home.
Another option for used outdoor gear is through social media websites. You can often find people selling or trading used camping equipment on these sites. Just be careful not to buy a used item off of a stranger on social media. is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.