There are many choices when it comes to hiking shoes for men. While heavy-weight and medium-weight hiking footwear will require a short break-in period, lightweight and flexible hiking footwear typically fit well right out of the box. However, you should still go through the fitting process to ensure the comfort and fit of the hiking footwear. Sometimes manufacturers change factories and lasts, which can affect the way the shoes fit. It is also important to choose a pair of shoes with slip resistance.
Tikals hiking shoes for men offer a unique alternative to sandals. With a Michelin cross terrain outsole and an EVA/cork midsole, they offer the durability and comfort of a traditional outdoor shoe without the high price tag. They also have a wide toe box that keeps your feet comfortable during all day wear.
The Tikals are a great choice for warm weather travel or light hiking outside of the city. They have a modern design with a natural feel. The durable 2.2-mm leather upper and leather lining provide both comfort and protection. They also feature a Michelin Cross Terrain outsole, which offers excellent stability and traction.

Merrell Moab 2 WP Lows
The Merrell Moab 2 is a great shoe for hiking. It features a molded nylon arch shank and extra padding in the heel, making it an excellent shoe for the trail. It’s also comfortable, offering a good level of underfoot protection and trail isolation.
The mid-top design of the Moab 2 has five sets of nylon loops, which are attached to metal hooks on the top of the upper. The laces are thick and easily adjusted. This makes it easy to get the perfect fit for the hiker.
The Merrell Moab 2 Ventilator Low is a great hiking shoe that offers stability without the bulk. It’s also available in wide sizes, making it a great option for those looking to transition from a hiking boot to a trail shoe. It’s also lighter than a traditional hiking boot and dries faster than most trail shoes.
La Sportiva Spire GTX
The new La Sportiva Spire GTX hiking shoes combine the concepts and technologies of Mountain DNA to create a quick hiking shoe that’s incredibly versatile and waterproof. It features new GORE-TEX SURROUND technology and a low-cut design that is easy to walk in.

The upper of the Spire GTX features a highly durable abrasion-resistant mesh. Gore-Tex Surround technology helps the shoe retain its waterproof quality, making it ideal for hiking through streams. The shoes’ side ventilation holes are reinforced with Nano Cell 2.0 technology, which helps keep debris out of the foot chamber. In addition to the abrasion-resistant mesh upper, the Spire GTX features two PU Techlite rands for additional stability. In addition, the Spire GTX comes with a padded collar and heel pull tabs to keep the foot comfortable.
The Spire GTX hiking shoes for men are made with advanced technologies and feature a low-cut design. They also feature a TPU midsole, which provides lightweight support and lateral support. Another great feature of the Spire GTX is the built-up heel.
Astral TR1 Mesh Shoes
The Astral TR1 Mesh Shoes for men are a lightweight and ultra-breathable pair of running shoes. They have a patented rubber compound that promotes efficient biomechanics. The shoes also feature a low-durometer outsole and a 1-mm drop from the heel to the ball. The shoe is also water-resistant.
The TR1 mesh upper is made of ripstop 2D mesh, which allows it to dry quickly after exposure to water. This mesh material also maximizes ventilation. It also features a heel tab and a TPU toe cap for extra protection. Additionally, there is drainage at the toe and heel to prevent silts from entering the shoe.

Danner Trail 2650
The Danner Trail 2650 men’s hiking shoe comes with many features that make it the ideal hiking shoe for anyone on the move. Its light weight and durability make it a great option for any hiker or fitness trainer. The shoes have a TPU shank and an EXO heel system that provide stability and support on rugged grounds. A 3″ boot version is also available. Read on to learn more about this versatile hiking boot.
The Danner Trail 2650 is an excellent lightweight hiking shoe with a great cushioning system. The shoe’s design also allows it to do double duty as an everyday shoe. The shoe is available in several styles that are ideal for different types of hiking. is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.