If you’re stuck for hiking gift ideas, you’ve come to the right place. Articles about hiking gifts are usually written by people trying to sell you stuff. They’ll offer a shopping list for items that will probably already be in your receiver’s bag and they probably don’t want any extra weight on their pack.
If you want to give your hiking enthusiast a gift he or she is sure to enjoy, consider giving a GoPro. Not only is this camera waterproof and rugged, it also offers a wide range of features that make it perfect for the outdoors. A GoPro is also small and lightweight, making it easy to carry on your person’s hiking trip.
Hiking mugs are an excellent gift for someone who loves being outside, and come in many colours, designs, and sizes. Another great idea for an outdoor lover is a portable campfire that can burn up to four hours. Not only is it easy to carry around, but it’s also an eco-friendly gift that’s reusable.

Bucket hats
Hikers will appreciate a custom bucket hat, and it’s the perfect hiking gift idea for anyone who likes to explore nature. Made of breathable, 100% cotton fabric, a classic bucket hat is a must-have accessory for the outdoors. This hat is easy to fold and a great way to protect your face from the sun’s ultraviolet rays. These hats are great for hiking, camping, and many other outdoor activities.
Hikers will also appreciate a compass. This gift idea will help them find their way and keep track of how many national parks they’ve visited. Alternatively, a merino wool beanie is also a perfect hiking gift idea. Another great hiking gift idea is a US National Park Pass, which is under $100 and entitles the recipient to free entry to all US National Parks for a year.
Collapsible water bladders
Hydration bladders are great hiking gift ideas. They are easy to use and store water without requiring a pump. They can hold up to 500 ml of water and collapse to 50% of their original size when empty. They are also leak-proof, odor-proof, and easy to clean. Hydration packs are also an excellent gift for hiking enthusiasts, especially newbies. They can be used over again and can be filled with fresh water at any time.
Hydrapak produces one of the most popular hiking water bladders on the market. Its Shape Shift has a slide-off top for easy refills. Another key feature is its dishwasher-safe design.

Emergency survival kit
A survival kit is a very important item to pack with you when you go on a hiking or backpacking trip. This kit contains everything you may need in the event of an emergency. Whether you’re hiking in a mountainous area or a rural area, an emergency kit is a great idea.
Your survival kit should include a variety of items, from first aid items to a fire starter. Fire is important because it serves as a signal or heat source in an emergency. Invest in a waterproof lighter, matches, and other fire starters. Also, be sure to stock up on duct tape, scissors, and a multi-tool. You may also want to carry a space blanket.
Waterproof journal
If your hiking friend loves to record his or her adventures, a waterproof journal makes the perfect hiking gift. It is easy to take notes and document your trip, and the waterproof cover will keep your notes safe from the rain. It also includes a folding straw, a water bottle, and a collapsible silicone set that can fit easily in your hiking bag.
Waterproof journals are not just for hiking. They are also great for camping, and many come with useful features, including a compass and glass window breaker. They are also great for travel, and you can find a variety of designs and colors.

Ruffwear Quencher Dog Bowl
If you have a friend or family member who loves to hike with their dog, you might want to consider giving them a Ruffwear Quencher Dog Bowl. These collapsible bowls are lightweight and feature a waterproof lining. They are the perfect companion on long hikes or camping trips. Your hiking gift recipient can also use these bowls for their dog’s food.
The collapsible design makes it easy to store and carry, and the bowl is made from a durable polyester fabric that is water-resistant. This bowl can also be washed easily and includes an integrated loop for carrying. The bowl can also be easily tipped over by eager dogs. It does not take very long to dry, either.
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