Hiking gifts for her should not only include hiking gear but items that are useful and unique for the outdoors. A backpacking knife is a great gift that will come in handy in a tough situation. Non-slip wide hair bands are also great for keeping hair out of her face while hiking. A bear canister can help to keep food safe and double as a stool.
Antimicrobial pee cloth
If your hiking buddy is always on the go, you can gift her an antimicrobial pee cloth. This waterproof and reusable cloth has antimicrobial properties and is made of a unique blend of polyester and silver. This cloth is made for human contact, while traditional bandanas are not meant to be used for this purpose. It is also eco-friendly.
These cloths are made with a special antimicrobial coating that kills bacteria, fungi and even viruses. The silver thread is also UV-sterilizing, so it will not pick up odours. They will make your hiking trip a more enjoyable experience and will help you avoid getting sick from mosquitoes.
Water-resistant baselayer pants
Water-resistant baselayer pants are an excellent choice for any hiking enthusiast. Made from Merino wool, they keep you warm and dry while wicking away sweat. They also feel soft and comfortable, without being itchy. No matter how extreme the weather, they’ll be the perfect hiking companion. Water-resistant baselayer pants are available in several colors, making them a wonderful choice for any hiking gift.

There are different types of hiking pants that come in different thicknesses, from thin to thick. Mountain Hardwear Dynama/2 and Arc’teryx Alroy are excellent choices for warm temperatures, while the prAna Halle II and Outdoor Research Ferrosi are lightweight options that are great for shoulder seasons or light winter use.
Portable chargers
Portable chargers are a great gift for hiking lovers. They allow you to charge a cell phone while hiking, so you can stay connected on the trail. Moreover, these gadgets can save your life in case you get lost. These gadgets come in different varieties, such as those that send SOS alerts and SMS text messages, and those that share your location with others.
You can choose a portable charger with multiple outlets for different gadgets. You should opt for a portable charger that has more than one port, since charging several gadgets can be tricky if you have a limited number of outlets. Also, you should look for a power bank that has an IP rating, which indicates how much debris and water it can withstand.
Polarized sunglasses
Polarized sunglasses are a great gift for women who love the outdoors and hiking. They can help prevent eye illnesses such as cataracts, as well as prevent eye damage caused by the sun. Plus, they are environmentally friendly. A company called Bamboo Sunglasses even plants ten trees for each pair sold!
Polarized sunglasses filter out glare caused by ultraviolet and infrared light. Most of these sunglasses are made to block 99% or more of the harmful rays. Some of them are also equipped with photochromic lenses, which can adjust to different light conditions. Another benefit of polarized sunglasses is that they reduce the glare from shimmering surfaces.

Water-resistant trekking poles
When it comes to hiking gifts for her, water-resistant trekking poles are a good choice. These lightweight hiking poles feature cork grips and are made of a natural wicking material to keep your hands dry. They also have cushioned straps to prevent slipping and losing them during steep sections. One tester even dropped her poles on a steep section, but the lightweight aluminum poles held up perfectly and bounced off boulders.
Women can opt for water-resistant trekking poles made of carbon fiber. They are lightweight and fold up to save space. Moreover, they feature a reflective strip that ensures her safety even at night.
GoPro HERO5 Session
If you’re looking for hiking gifts for her, consider giving her a GoPro Hero5 Session. The newest in GoPro’s lineup, this action camera is waterproof and features superior sound. The camera’s size makes it easy to pack into a backpack or a pocket, and it has a decent battery life.
The Hero5 Black and Session feature electronic image stabilization (EIS), which helps stabilize the image. This technology is done through software that uses part of the 4K image to produce a smooth 1080p image. The highest EIS mode is 1080p, while cheaper models are limited to a five-megapixel crop mode. Both cameras feature stabilization, which is important for action camera users because it helps prevent jerks in the video.
Leather Journal
Hiking journals are an ideal gift for hiking enthusiasts. Hikers can use hiking journals to plan their trips, record observations, and make packing lists. They can also revisit past trips. Hikers also like hiking journals because they can be used as a keepsake for future trips. Hikers can also use hiking journals to write down their feelings and share them with their loved ones.

Hiking gear must be durable, so you should consider investing in high-quality items for your hiking lover. Check out reviews of hiking gear before you buy.
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