An orienteering map is a very important tool for orienteering. It helps you navigate the terrain and make decisions about your route. A beginner’s map is simple and features trails and a variety of landmarks. It also contains the contour lines that you’ll cross while going up or down a hill. The contour lines aren’t actually painted on the ground, but on a map they are very visible. As you become more experienced with orienteering, you’ll be able to read them easily.
The design of an orienteering map is crucial for navigation. The scale of the map is important. The smaller the scale, the better. However, the larger the scale, the more precise the map is. The simplest map has a one-centimeter scale. Then there’s another level of detail – the more detailed the map is, the more it will help you find your way.

Orienteering maps are colorful and show different types of vegetation. The colors on the map also reflect different levels of density. For example, a white orienteering map shows a forest, while a green one shows a forest with low visibility. Yellow and orange show open vegetation, while a darker green area indicates terrain with steep terrain. The color density will determine how clear the area is. Black and white outlines trails, water features, and rocks.
Orienteering maps are very detailed. Compared to general topographic maps, they contain much more detail. This can be overwhelming for first-timers, but it can help immensely on the course. Orienteering maps also contain details such as the name of the course, contour interval, and scale. Some even have a legend, though the legend can occupy too much space. It’s important to note that, for a novice, a compass is more than enough.
Orienteering maps are very colorful. Their colors depict the differences in vegetation density. For example, white signifies a runnable forest, whereas a darker green indicates an area with poor visibility. In contrast, yellow and orange represent open vegetation. The color density of an area determines the clarity of the area. Meanwhile, black and blue indicate features on the ground that are important to orienteers.
Orienteering maps are specially drawn topographic maps, with a scale of 1:4000 and 1:25,000. They can display a wide range of topographic features, including landmarks. Moreover, they are created by photogrammetrists who understand the specific needs of orienteering. You can use an orienteering map for your race, as long as it is based on a map from a 1:4000 series.
The most important thing about orienteering maps is the fact that they are very detailed. They are very accurate and detailed. But, there are some limitations. You need to have the right permissions to use an area. It’s easy to use a map with a government-controlled forest. But if you want to make a map on private land, you should consider the possibility of changing ownership.
Although many orienteering maps are now produced by modern methods, traditional techniques are still used for producing them. Most orienteering maps are drawn at twice the final map scale. Some of them are tracings of existing maps or even aerial photographs. A good map can help you find the correct route in a forest. If you’re not familiar with orienteering maps, you can look up photos of the area you’re interested in online.
Orienteering maps are unique. They contain symbols that are standardized and internationally recognized. They are a great way to learn how to use the compass correctly. The compass is a very useful tool for orienteering, and you can learn how to use it properly in a map. The information on an orienteering map is also very important for learning how to navigate a course in a new place.
Orienteering maps are usually produced by a dedicated team of orienteering clubs. The map is drawn at large scales, often 1:15000 or higher. The symbols used on an orienteering map are widely recognised by orienteers and are easy to learn. The compass has many other advantages. You can also hire a compass for a small fee. is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.