When you’re in search of trekking shorts, you want to make sure that they are quick-drying, breathable, and moisture-wicking. Arc’teryx, for instance, produces many fine pieces of outdoor gear. Their Palisade shorts, for example, have laminated hems, which reduce chafe marks.
If you plan on doing a lot of hiking, you’ll want to wear durable trekking shorts. While you can buy shorts made of cotton and nylon, synthetic materials are also a great choice. These fabrics are more breathable and quick-drying. Also, synthetic materials have a higher level of durability. While synthetic materials are still the industry standard, some brands have shifted to more natural fibers, such as cotton.
When buying hiking shorts, look for a fabric that offers UV protection. UPF measures the amount of UV rays that are blocked by a fabric. It ranges from 15 to 50. The higher the UPF rating, the better. You should look for a fabric that offers UPF 50, as this will give you excellent protection from harmful UV rays. UPF ratings are typically printed on the tag.

If you need quick-drying trekking shorts, there are several options available. One popular brand is Santiny, and their shorts are lightweight, UPF 50+, and have zipper closures. They are available in various colors and sizes. The UPF 50+ protection helps to keep you safe from the sun, and they are designed to stretch up to the knee.
Another great option is the Columbia Sandy River shorts, which are water-repellent and usually on sale. They’re also very versatile, coming in a range of neutral colors. Another brand is Columbia, which makes a cargo short with five pockets and a belt.
If you’re looking for a lightweight pair of hiking shorts, moisture-wicking shorts are a good option. They are lightweight and airy, and many of them can also block wind to keep you cool. They’re also very durable and comfortable. If you’re hiking in extreme conditions, you might consider a pair made of 100% nylon, which are water-resistant.
These shorts will keep you comfortable and dry on long hikes or long runs. The Ferrosi fabric is lightweight and durable, yet is water-repellent and fast-drying. It also has UPF 50+ protection. This makes it perfect for trail running, hiking, and even climbing. They are available in a range of colors, including blue, white, and yellow.

If you love to hike, breathable trekking shorts are an absolute must-have. These shorts offer a high level of comfort and ventilation, which is important for hiking in hot climates. They also offer great freedom of movement and are very durable. These shorts also come with helpful pockets.
Mission Workshop began as a bike-centric company in San Francisco and has since expanded its line of active wear with the ASP Short. Its stretch-woven fabric, developed with an Italian textile company, provides superior performance and comfort. The short is also made with thoughtful details, including a key loop built into the left pocket and a velcro closure on the back pocket. And best of all, these shorts are made in the USA!
These shorts are made with stretch-nylon blends, which provide great mobility. The material used in this pair is also durable, and it is treated with Durable Water Repellant. The shorts have a zip pocket and are available in 18 different colors.
When choosing trekking shorts, pockets are important to carry a variety of hiking supplies. Depending on the style and material, pockets can range from front and back pockets to zipped or cloth pockets. Ultimately, it comes down to what you need the pockets for, and how much weight you want to carry.

Patagonia’s Baggies may look unassuming, but they’re surprisingly versatile shorts. They have a breathable, hang-out mesh lining, and vertical pockets that minimize drag. They’re also fast drying and durable, and come in an elastic waistband for maximum comfort.
There’s no standard size for hiking shorts, but many brands offer a range of options to meet different needs. If you’re planning a long trek, a longer pair may provide more protection from the sun and sharp objects, while shorter ones may offer more ventilation and allow you to move more easily. Some manufacturers provide an outseam measurement, which specifies the length from the waist to the hem. This measurement is more commonly found in women’s designs and board shorts, but it’s a useful feature for people who need shorts with high-waisted options.
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