Orienteering maps have a specific format, which is important for the racers’ safety. It is best to study the map before the race and practice on a large area. The contour lines are important for navigating the course. A contour is an imaginary line that connects points of the same height. When you’re walking or running, you’ll often cross a contour. This makes the map’s shape more familiar and useful to the runner.

Orienteering maps are very detailed. They are usually at one-tenth the scale of an OS map. The colours are also more varied. White space is used for runnable forest, black is for manmade features, and brown shows water features and landforms. Those with a keen eye will notice that blue and orange outlines are used to indicate crossing points for obstacles.
Orienteering maps may have a legend printed on them. A legend will be printed on a map and is usually available near registration or near the starting line. The map’s scale is usually one-tenth or one-fifth the scale of the competition. For example, a 1:25,000 scale is used for a long distance foot orienteering event. The specialized a-maps are printed in six base colours. The base colour covers the land forms, boulders, and other terrain features. In addition, a seventh colour is added for overprinting symbols.
As you can see, orienteering maps aren’t the most accurate. They are typically not printed to a standard of one-to-ten thousand. Unlike topographical maps, orienteering maps are printed with a scale of one-to-ten thousand. This scale is based on the esoteric characteristics of the sport, not the sport’s technical standards.
When it comes to colouring, orienteering maps are usually in 1:10,000 scale. It is about five times larger than the scale of a standard OS map. You’ll have to learn the different colours on orienteering maps to understand which terrain to avoid. When you’re using a compass, you can use the dotted line to locate the compass.
Orienteering maps are made to a higher standard than other maps. They are usually printed with different colors to help people use a compass easily. The angle between true and magnetic north varies between different areas of the world. It is therefore important to use a compass when using an orienteering map, because this is the only way to navigate an unfamiliar course.
There are several reasons why orienteering maps are printed this way. The most obvious is because orienteering races take place in different kinds of terrain. An urban map is usually 1:4000 scale, which gives you lots of details. A woodland or moorland map, on the other hand, is usually printed at a 1:15,000 scale and is more detailed. It is important to note, however, that these maps are only useful for the race if you know where to go.
The main difference between orienteering maps and other maps is the quality. Orienteering charts are made to a higher standard than other maps, so the quality is usually better. You can use the same type of paper for both types of orienteering. But if you’re unsure about which one is right for you, consult an orienteering map or an online tutorial.
The scale of orienteering maps can be changed to suit the terrain. The traditional format is 1:24,000. The shorter courses are often printed at 1:10000. A 1:10,000 map is in contrast to a 1:24,000 map. It is the latter that is more accurate. It is also more detailed. Those who prefer to race in the wilderness will need a larger map. In a city, it will be easier to see obstacles, such as boulders.
When you are orienteering, a map will be a good choice. Unlike most other maps, it is not a necessary item to take notes during the race. You’ll need to keep a map on hand at all times. It’s best to use a paper version that has a full-size scale. If you don’t have a printed copy, you’ll need to consult a guide or a manual for more detailed instructions.
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