Is surveying related to magnetic or true north? Well, the answers to these questions differ greatly. Let’s discuss the differences between these two reference systems and how they can be used to map land.
Essentially, the difference between magnetic and true north refers to the direction in which the earth’s magnetic field blows. The true north point is the pole that lies at the earth’s center. It is also known as the Geographic North Pole.
Geographic North Pole
There is an important difference between a map showing true north and one that shows magnetic south. Magnetic north is the pole closest to the north magnetic pole in the middle of the Arctic Ocean. Magnetic north is also 400 kilometers off the geographic north, so a map that shows only magnetic north may be inaccurate in some areas.
Therefore, reading a map containing the magnetic north and south poles and the declination, date, and arrow pointing towards the magnetic north is important.
A map’s reference to magnetic north is in the legend, which also shows the relative location of a point. When a map shows a magnetic north, you can use this reference to find the location of your property. Depending on when you purchase a map, it may be astronomical, magnetic, or assumed north.
Unless the map explicitly states which, it is important to understand the difference and use a compass that points toward the magnetic north.
Survey maps are made to show the magnetic pole because this is where the northern lines of attraction enter the Earth. Magnetic North is located in Northern Canada. When compass needles are placed at a north pole, they will always point toward magnetic north, not true north.
But the magnetic pole does not always point to the true north. That is because magnetic north changes constantly. This is because the earth’s magnetic pole moves with the sun, so true north is not the same as magnetic north.
A map can be accurate to within a few inches. Survey maps that are too high or too low may show a higher degree of error than those made by other methods. The higher the elevation, the higher the error.
The lower the deviation from magnetic north, the more accurate the map will be. It is crucial to understand the difference and know where you are pointing. You can also use a map to determine whether true north is higher than magnetic north.
Survey maps are generally more accurate when using magnetic north. The United States Geological Survey and the United States Armed Forces use magnetic north to indicate the true direction. The true north on the map is indicated by a line pointing to the Earth’s north pole.
This line is called the compass rose. It is also more prominent on maps that have the Earth. When choosing which map type to use, it is important to check the NSPS definition for each map.
There are two main ways to read a survey map. One is true north, while the other is magnetic. You can use a compass to navigate from one point to another. It is not always easy to read a map without a compass.
The original surveyor may have written down their methods, and they may not have documented the reasons for their decisions. However, if you know the true north of the area, you can find it by yourself.

Grid North
The term “Grid North” is a way of referencing the north on a survey map. It refers to the straight line that points north on a map and is aligned with the grid lines. The true north is different, however, as it is based on magnetic fields generated by the earth’s rotation and solar winds. Magnetic north is offset from geographical north and is currently around Ellesmere Island in Northern Canada.
In survey maps, the reference number is called out in the lower-left corner of the square where the area is located. In the example above, the town of Little Plumpton lies in square 6901.
The writing on the town refers to squares 6802 and 6901. Most of the town’s buildings are located in these squares. A square designated as Grid North will be surrounded by the letters “6901” and “6802”.
The difference between true north and grid south varies depending on which portion of a map you’re using. The center vertical line on the map points to the true north, but lines east and west of this center line do not point to it.
In general, the difference between true north and grid north is greatest near the edges of the map. It depends on the scale of the map as well. Most topographic maps are large enough that the difference between the two is negligible for most uses.
True north, or geographic north, is the Earth’s surface direction leading to the North Pole. Magnetic north is the direction of the Earth’s magnetic field. The magnetic north line also converges at the North Pole.
However, the true north varies from place to place, so it is important to understand how each one works. Nevertheless, the two are used interchangeably. This makes it easier to see which direction is closer to the true north.
Grid North is a handy reference when working with survey maps. While the true north direction on a map will always be the direction to the North Pole, the difference between True North and Grid is just less than 2 degrees. This small difference in accuracy will not affect navigation in the bush.
However, it is useful to have both for reference. In some cases, Grid North is actually the true north. This is often the case for navigational purposes.
On the other hand, Magnetic north refers to the direction a magnetic compass would point toward when the map was published. Magnetic north also varies depending on where the map is on Earth, and the values used on older maps are not as accurate as those found on current maps.
You should always take magnetic declination into account when using a compass. The more accurate the grid north is, the more accurate the maps will be.
Survey map North point
Whether a map indicates true north or magnetic nadir depends on whether a surveyor drew it. A surveyor’s compass is much larger and has a more accurate reading than a standard consumer compass. Surveyors use their compass on a tripod or stand. The difference between true and magnetic north is important to understand when interpreting a map.
There are four ways to determine true north, including pointing the compass needle to the magnetic pole. Surveyors may have used a “Basis of Bearings” to determine the north. In any case, a compass may be inaccurate by one degree or more. A gyrocompass is also an instrument composed of a compass mounted on a theodolite.
Survey maps usually refer to three different directions for true north. One is called grid north and refers to a direction that follows grid lines. The other is true north, the direction along the Earth’s surface toward the north pole.
The central meridian is called true north, while other meridians are projected to curves according to the transverse Mercator projection. The angle between the meridian and the vertical axis is called the convergence of a meridian.
The true north point on a map is marked as the North Pole of Earth. The magnetic field lines on the earth’s surface change slowly. A single degree is moved westward every five years. Survey maps are important in navigating the world. But it’s important to note that you can’t get to the true north alone. You need to consult a map compass to determine whether or not the true north point on a map is accurate.
Magnetic variation is another term used in nautical circles. In the US, it is also referred to as declination. It describes the angle between the true north and the earth’s magnetic field. Both terms are used interchangeably. It is important to understand which is the true north point on your map, but declination is the most commonly used term. Ultimately, determining where the true north is can be a complicated task.
The difference between magnetic north and true north isn’t huge. In fact, the two points can easily be confused. True north is the north pole that is visible in the sky. Magnetic north is the direction in which the compass needle points towards the northern end of the Earth’s magnetic field.
However, the magnetic north pole does not align with the true north point. It shifts westward by about 50 kilometers each year. Geographic north is also marked on maps by lines of longitude. But the difference between true north and magnetic north is minimal and insignificant for most navigation tasks. is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.