If you spend time in the outdoors, you know how important good hiking socks are. Investing in a pair will pay dividends mile after mile. A pair of Darn Tough socks is money well spent. Check out the table below for more information. Each pair is designed for different activities and conditions.
If you’re an outdoor enthusiast, you’ve probably wondered about the durability of Darn Tough hiking socks. The company’s sock line incorporates Lycra for durability and performance. However, these synthetic fibers are not eco-friendly. Lycra is made from petroleum and is difficult to recycle. To minimize their environmental impact, Darn Tough is searching for other materials.
If you’re concerned about your hiking socks’ durability, you can buy them from the company’s website. The company offers a lifetime warranty. You can get replacements if the socks are damaged due to wear and tear or by fire. However, the guarantee does not cover lost items or socks that have been chewed up by pets.

If you’re a hiker on a budget, you might want to consider buying a pair of Darn Tough hiking socks. These premium outdoor socks cost around $20 per pair. We’ve tested them on the JMT, Lost Coast Trail, and Vermont Long Trail, and found them to be comfortable and durable, but they did wear out too quickly for the price.
When it comes to durability, Darn Tough socks are one of the best out there. They’re made of Merino wool, which is highly prized for its durability and thermal properties. This means that they’ll keep your feet warm and protected no matter how long you spend out in the wild.
When it comes to hiking, the Darn Tough Hiker Boot Sock comes to mind. This mid-calf merino walking sock is made in Vermont. This sock offers great cushioning for your feet, which is essential for the long hike. Cushioning helps prevent blisters and keeps you comfortable.
The cushioning in Darn Tough hiking socks is designed to offer extra support and comfort for high impact areas. The padding is created from knit terry loops. This kind of cushioning comes in different levels of intensity, and is suited to different types of activity. The No Cushion option, for example, is thinner and has minimal padding, while the Cushion version has padding in high-wear areas. The Full Cushion option, on the other hand, offers plenty of padding for the entire sock.

Another popular design is the Quarter Cushion from Darn Tough. This design consistently ranks as the top choice of PCT hikers, as it offers the comfort of crew-height socks with excellent moisture-wicking and odor protection. However, it is not tall enough to fit all hiking boots. Despite this, it is an excellent choice for ankle-height boots because it offers more protection than no-show hiking socks.
If you’re in the market for a pair of hiking socks, fit darn tough is a great brand to try. These socks are built to last, and their Merino wool material is prized for its durability and thermal properties. This brand even makes socks for women. Here’s a look at the various styles available.
The Darn Tough Full Cushion is a full-length, Merino-blend hiking sock. It provides excellent warmth and is designed to stay in place, which is especially important on long, technical hikes. This hiking sock is great for a variety of conditions and is made of 66% Merino wool, 32% nylon, and 2% lycra spandex. These socks are also highly breathable and are perfect for all weather conditions.
A quarter-height hiking sock covers the ankle and heel, but doesn’t extend as high as crew socks do. This type of sock may be a more ideal fit for a minimalist hiker. These sock are made to fit well in running shoes and are ideal for hiking boots that are high at the ankle.

Merino wool
If you’re looking for a great pair of merino wool walking socks, then consider the Darn Tough Hiker Boot Sock. This mid-calf sock is made in Vermont. It’s made to last for long periods of time, and features a natural and breathable lining to keep you dry and comfortable. It also has a built-in arch support for better foot support.
Whether you’re a hiking enthusiast or just looking for a pair of socks to wear on your feet while you’re outdoors, Darn Tough’s hiking and hunting socks are durable, comfortable, and come with a lifetime guarantee. They’re made in Vermont and feature features that make them the perfect choice for any outdoor activity. These socks can handle any terrain, and they’re available in both men’s and women’s styles.
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