There are a variety of collapsible hiking poles on the market. Some of them feature adjustable length, while others are made with carbon fiber or aluminum. In this article, we’ll discuss some of the important considerations to look for when choosing one of these hiking poles.
Compromises of collapsible hiking poles
A collapsible hiking pole is a versatile hiking accessory that folds down into a small length when not in use. However, there are some compromises to consider when purchasing one. For example, they may not be as durable as other models. Another drawback is that they may be prone to slippage, particularly when moving through thick brush.

When you aren’t using the pole, you may find it too cumbersome to carry. Luckily, many collapsible hiking poles can be folded down to just 13 inches if you’re not using them. The size can be a consideration if you plan to travel with your hiking poles, but most collapsible hiking poles do not have this feature.
Strength of aluminum
If you are on a tight budget and would like a set of hiking poles that can take a beating, you can opt for aluminum collapsible poles. These poles are sturdy and durable, but the downside is that they tend to be quite heavy. You need to remember that they are not as lightweight as carbon trekking poles and should not be used for extreme hikes.
A major drawback to aluminum collapsible poles is their weak locking mechanism. The lever lock can be prone to hairline fractures after prolonged use, especially if you’ve been using them for years. Another problem with lever locks is that dirt can build up inside the lever and reduce the friction needed to lock the pole. The lever can also become stiff and the friction adjustment screw may be affected. Fortunately, most companies offer to repair these for a nominal fee.

Durability of carbon fiber
One of the major questions about carbon fiber collapsible hiking pole durability is whether these poles are worth the added cost. Carbon fiber trekking poles are more expensive than aluminum poles, but are lighter and stiffer. However, the downside to carbon fiber is that it is more brittle than aluminum and will often break under pressure. To counteract this drawback, carbon fiber poles have a thicker diameter and can usually be repaired with a replacement segment.
A carbon fiber collapsible trekking pole made by Austria-based Komperdell is one of the most durable. It features an easy-to-use flip-lock adjustment system and premium cork handles with foam extensions. Another notable feature is its four-season capability. Another benefit of carbon fiber collapsible trekking poles is their affordability.
Adjustable length
Adjustable length collapsible hiking and trekking poles are a great way to stay prepared for long hiking trips. Whether you’re hiking for recreational purposes or taking on a challenging trail, these hiking poles can help you stay safe and comfortable. For the most comfort, the poles should form a 90-degree bend when you hold them at the sides. A correctly adjusted pole will not cause you any pain or stress, and they will keep you stable and planted while you’re moving uphill.

Adjustable length collapsible hiking and trekking poles come in various heights, and you’ll want to choose a model that will fit your height and build. Generally, people between five and six feet tall should purchase a pole that measures at least forty-eight inches. Those who are taller can choose poles that are up to 51 inches in length. However, you can also choose shorter versions that are adjustable to accommodate your height.
Shock-absorbing grips
The grips on a trekking pole are one of the most important features to consider when choosing a model. They can be made from a variety of materials, including cork and foam. Cork grips are comfortable and conform to the shape of your hand, while foam grips absorb shock and provide a soft touch. Rubber grips are another option, but they are usually found on budget hiking poles.
A shock-absorbing grip on collapsible hiking poles is designed to reduce the shock that your arms and wrists experience during an extended hike. The shock-absorbing mechanism is built into telescopic hiking poles such as the LEKI Micro Vario TA AntiShock pole. This model’s grips are made from cork and use an advanced Speedlock+ mechanism to lock in position. It is important to note that men’s versions are typically shorter than women’s versions. is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.